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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Women A Man Shouldn’t Marry And 10 Types of Men A Woman Shouldn’t Marry.

      If there's one thing I know about women, it's that there are 11 types of them: ten types that men do not want to marry, and then the wife type. If you're one of the ten gross unwifeable kinds, WOE BETIDE YOU, because not only are you dumb and annoying and probably love your mom too much, you also can't fulfill your womanly prime directive! Which is to get married. At all cost. To whomever. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
At least, that's what I learned from Samantha Daniels's "10 Types of Women That Men Do Not Want to Marry," a handy personality checklist for women who just want to be married to anyone no matter what and are eager to carve up their personalities into a freakish amalgam of bland woman-tropes so they can land the kind of man who likes women who aren't human beings. In other words...romance! The 10 types of unmanageable hags include: Miss "I Have Daddy Issues," Miss "I Want To Change You," Miss "Bossy Pants," Miss "I Live For You And I Have Nothing Else Going On," Miss "I Speak To My Mother Five Times A Day About Everything," and Miss "I Don't Eat."
Because yep. That's what people are like! We just have one personality trait each, like Smurfs. (Be sure to tune in for next week's column: "The One Type of Female Smurf that All the Other Smurfs Except One Totally Want to Bang.")
But turnabout is fair play—ladies shouldn't have to settle for just any old man, and we shouldn't be the only ones invested in self-improvement in the name of wedlock. So, after thorough scientific research, I've made my own equally sensical list, dividing all the men on earth into the ten types of men that there are. On earth. Make sure you're not any of these men and you will definitely get a whole bunch of wives—guaranteed! It's science like that!

10 Women A Man Shouldn’t Marry
1. The Late Night Texter
You know, the girl who only texts you after midnight. She’s the girl who only contacts you when she wants something, or someone to talk to. You can go weeks without hearing from this person, only to rarely get a text full of smiley faces and a message that reads, “Hey! How are you?” They aren’t consistent. Don’t fall into the trap.
2. The Gold-digger
She’s the woman who loves your wallet, bank account, and credit cards. Be sure to stay away from a woman who is only interested in material things, and how much of these things your salary can buy her.
3. The Flirt
This woman loves to flirt with strangers, waiters, and even your friends. The woman you should seek is one who flirts with you and only you, no matter the circumstance. That last thing you want is to be married to someone who will deliberately flirt with people in front or you, let alone behind your back.
4. The Liar
Don’t trust a woman who is constantly lying to you. If you continue to ignore her inconsistencies, she could eventually do something detrimental to your relationship.
5. The Flake
This is the woman who calls off dates, constantly changes plans and never shows up when she promised she would. If you think this will change once you’re married, you’re wrong. A flakey woman will never put her man first.
6. The Partier
Stay away from her. Although she may seem as a fun and outgoing, I guarantee you will be better off with someone who stays away from gatherings full of bad mistakes and regretful decisions. The lifestyle of a partier never fits well with the maturity that is needed in marriage.
7. The Quick To Judge
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I would encourage you to stay away from the woman who constantly throws judgments at others. This is a bad habit that is not only frowned upon, but it will also hinder you from finding any type of outside friendships. Let Judge Judy stay a TV show. Don’t marry her.
8. The Immodest Dresser
The last thing you want to do is marry someone who put’s their body on display for the rest of the world to see. Without going into too much detail, I would encourage you to marry someone who respects their body enough to keep it covered and modest.
9. The Negative Nancy
She’s the woman who can find something negative in just about anything. And although there is nothing wrong with being a little skeptical, living life with someone who is constantly negative will definitely put a damper on your relationship. It’s not worth it.
10. The Cheater
I’m all for grace and second chances, but the last thing you want is to find yourself in a marriage with someone you can’t even trust. I’m a huge believe that everyone can change, but please don’t get caught up in the lie that cheating is just normal part of life. You deserve better.

10 Men A Woman Shouldn’t Marry

1. The Late Night Texter
You know, the guy who only texts you after midnight. He’s the guy who only contacts you when he wants something, or someone to talk to. You can go weeks without hearing from this person, only to rarely get a text full of smiley faces and a message that reads, “Hey! How are you?” They aren’t consistent. Don’t fall into the trap.
2. The Slacker
He’s the guy who has no dreams, vision, or passion to get up and do anything. Don’t let his smooth words trick you into a relationship that will be full of dull moments and half-hearted plans.
3. The Liar
Don’t trust a man who is constantly lying to you. If you continue to ignore his inconsistencies, he could eventually do something detrimental to your relationship.
4. The Flake
This is the guy who calls of dates, constantly changes plans, and never shows up when he promises. If you think this will change once you’re married, you’re wrong. A flakey man will never put his woman first.
5. The Cheater

I’m all for grace and second chances, but the last thing you want is to find yourself in a marriage with someone you can’t even trust. I’m a huge believe that everyone can change, but please don’t get caught up in the lie that cheating is just normal part of life. You deserve better.
6. The Partier
Stay away from him. Although he may seem as a fun and outgoing, I guarantee you will be better off with someone who stays away from gatherings full of bad mistakes and regretful decisions. The lifestyle of a partier never fits well with the maturity needed in marriage.
7. The Fake
He’s the guy who claims to be one thing, but in person never steps up to the plate. Not only is this unfair to your relationship, but you need to understand this isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Look for a man who is who he claims to be. Fakes can only pretend for so long.
8. The Hypocrite
He goes back and forth between his beliefs, standards, and regulations of life. Most of the time this man will change things to better suit his personal life. Don’t expect yourself to have a thriving relationship with someone who is constantly hypocritical in their words and actions.
9. The Flirt
This man loves to flirtatiously chat with strangers, waiters, and even your friends. The man you should seek is one who flirts with you and only you, no matter the circumstance. That last thing you want is to be married to someone who will deliberately flirt with people in front or you, let alone behind your back.
10. The Jerk
Simple. Don’t marry a jerk. You deserve more than that this guy can offer you. Look for someone who is kind, generous, selfless, and chivalrous. That last thing you want is to be embarrassed about bringing your man in public, all due to his attitude. Not to mention, verbal abuse is a widely spread problem that I don’t believe any woman should have to encounter.


Women often wonder if there are men out there who just won’t marry them. The answer is yes. These men are probably the type that you wouldn’t want to marry anyway! Here are the ten men you should stay away from.

1. The guy who is still hung up on his ex. He is not over her and will not marry you because you aren’t her.
2..The guy who doesn’t want a serious relationship “right now”. This is either a convenient way for him to dump you without looking like a total jerk, or he will never be ready to make that leap.
3. The guy who is always looking for something better. He is always going to be wondering if there is someone better out there, and if he thinks that he has found it, he will dump you in a second.
4. The guy who likes to hang out with guys old enough to be his sons. He will be out clubbing and being immature with younger guys, trying to pick up women to impress them.
5. The guy who is still trying to figure out what he wants from his career. He will always be more focused on his job than you.
6. The guy who is over fifty and has never been married. He is looking for Miss Right, but if he hasn’t found her yet, why would you be it?
7. The guy who doesn’t believe in monogamy. Yeah, stay clear of this one at all costs (unless you are into that kind of thing). Once a cheater, always a cheater.
8. The guy who is all about himself. He only thinks of him, not anyone else. He won’t care about your feelings or thoughts because they aren’t his.
9. The guy who is all about his kids. This can seem sweet in the beginning until you realize there is no room left for you in the family.
10. The guy who still dates other women while he says he really cares about you. If he really cares, he wouldn’t need the other dates.

-Jarrid Wilson, Sammantha and edited by Steven Mruma (Researcher)
Reason #1: They’ve got plenty of company
Perhaps the first reason women are happier to stay single is because they’re hardly the pariahs they were in the past. Today, a whopping 16 million boomers — more than 25 percent of men and women in this age group — are single. That means unattached women this age are rarely lacking in a little company, whether that’s a night out with some single pals or a hot date on a Saturday night. Internet dating has also helped turn the world into their oyster, presenting them with tons of prospects, many of whom are much younger and very interested in wooing an older woman.

All in all, it’s easier than ever for women this age to get the same emotional perks that their married counterparts do, whether that be affection, intimacy, shared fun or laughter. In fact, some of these singles might argue that their love lives are even more exciting by comparison, since their relationships aren’t weighed down by the draining domestic concerns that marriage entails. “You’d be surprised,” says Carol Ford, a fifty-something widow for ten years and online dater for two years, “how easy it is to find someone who is warm and interesting to be with. I’ve been out with a lot of charming men my age. Then after a romantic evening, I can go back to my little retreat and he goes to his, and there’s no squabbling over ‘Why didn’t you fold my laundry the way I like it?’”

Reason #2: They’d rather downsize domestically
While 7.6 million boomers have never been married, the majority have tied the knot at some point. Many have raised children. If they find themselves single again after the death or a spouse or divorce, marriage is rarely high on their list of priorities because, well, they’ve already been there, done that. In fact, many have spent so much of their lives compromising in the name of family — sacrificing their dreams of starting a business to take care of their kids, passing on that girls-only Caribbean vacation because their husband argued that money was tight — that being single can feel downright liberating! Ford, for one, is reveling in her ability to do what she wants, when she wants. “Today, for example, I bought a $2,500 ‘shabby chic’ entertainment unit with chicken wire on one of the panels,” she says. “My husband would have flipped out. But I didn’t have to explain to anyone why I just had to have this beat-up old cabinet!” - See more at:
Most people believe that men over 50 have long cherished their bachelordom. But these days, a growing number of women also feel that
These days, a growing number of women over 50 feel that staying single has a whole lot of benefits.
staying single has a whole lot of benefits. When I was conducting research for my book, The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating, I was surprised by how often I heard this sentiment. This doesn’t mean these women aren’t dating—on the contrary, their calendars are packed with fun plans and romantic prospects. But if a well-meaning male suitor starts putting out feelers along the lines of, “So do you ever want to get married someday?” they’re more likely than ever to hear a woman say, “I doubt it”—and really mean it. What’s caused such a dramatic shift in 50-plus women’s romantic goals? Read on to find out.

Reason #1: They’ve got plenty of company
Perhaps the first reason women are happier to stay single is because they’re hardly the pariahs they were in the past. Today, a whopping 16 million boomers — more than 25 percent of men and women in this age group — are single. That means unattached women this age are rarely lacking in a little company, whether that’s a night out with some single pals or a hot date on a Saturday night. Internet dating has also helped turn the world into their oyster, presenting them with tons of prospects, many of whom are much younger and very interested in wooing an older woman.

All in all, it’s easier than ever for women this age to get the same emotional perks that their married counterparts do, whether that be affection, intimacy, shared fun or laughter. In fact, some of these singles might argue that their love lives are even more exciting by comparison, since their relationships aren’t weighed down by the draining domestic concerns that marriage entails. “You’d be surprised,” says Carol Ford, a fifty-something widow for ten years and online dater for two years, “how easy it is to find someone who is warm and interesting to be with. I’ve been out with a lot of charming men my age. Then after a romantic evening, I can go back to my little retreat and he goes to his, and there’s no squabbling over ‘Why didn’t you fold my laundry the way I like it?’”

Reason #2: They’d rather downsize domestically
While 7.6 million boomers have never been married, the majority have tied the knot at some point. Many have raised children. If they find themselves single again after the death or a spouse or divorce, marriage is rarely high on their list of priorities because, well, they’ve already been there, done that. In fact, many have spent so much of their lives compromising in the name of family — sacrificing their dreams of starting a business to take care of their kids, passing on that girls-only Caribbean vacation because their husband argued that money was tight — that being single can feel downright liberating! Ford, for one, is reveling in her ability to do what she wants, when she wants. “Today, for example, I bought a $2,500 ‘shabby chic’ entertainment unit with chicken wire on one of the panels,” she says. “My husband would have flipped out. But I didn’t have to explain to anyone why I just had to have this beat-up old cabinet!”

Reason #3: Their families come first
Another factor for women who already have families under their belt is how messy things can become with a new husband in the picture. Conflicts of all kinds can crop up once families blend, even if the kids are already out on their own.
It felt disloyal to hear someone doubt him.
Some women express reluctance to share their family inheritance with someone else and their children. Others worry about the emotional impact a new husband would have on the family dynamic. Rather than rock the boat, they’d rather keep things status quo. One copy editor acquaintance of mine I know from New Jersey has this story to share: “I dated a really nice man, and we had no problems with each other,” she says. “But he would criticize my 22-year-old son, and I was very sensitive to that. You know, if you bring up a child, you have this history; the long-term view. Maybe the kid isn’t doing so well at this point in time, but you remember how hard he worked to win the 400-meter butterfly in a junior varsity swim, say, and you believe he’ll dig down and be a winner again. It felt disloyal to hear someone doubt him. So I picked motherhood over marriage.”

Reason #4: They don’t need a man to make ends meet
Now more than ever, women in this age group are engaged in successful careers with lucrative salaries. The impact of this fact has been twofold: One, they’re less likely to think they need to marry a guy to get by. Two, they’re often so focused on their careers that socializing and romantic pursuits get put on the back burner. Think of bachelorette extraordinaire Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice. She is not atypical of other women with doctorates, who, as a group, are twice as likely as doctoral men never to have married or to be divorced.

Sometimes high achievers feel marriage would be more of an annoying distraction than a welcome diversion. Just ask boomer Jan Harayda, a successful author and former women’s magazine editor. “There have been many points in my career,” she says, “when I’ve really had to concentrate to meet deadlines or the work is going smoothly and I’m having so much fun with it that I just don’t want to stop.” And while many men often view marriage as a support network that will help further their professional goals, women still tend to think in either/or terms: They can have a family or a career, but “having it all,” so to speak, isn’t as easy as the slogan suggests. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but the feeling is real and very prevalent, keeping many women content pouring their energy into a career rather than a forging a long-lasting relationship.

The bottom line is, there are so many mature unmarried folks, male and female, that going solo doesn’t feel like a lonely proposition any more. If you want companionship but not necessarily commitment, love but maybe not wedlock, chances have never been better that you’re in very good company.

Judsen Culbreth is the author of The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating. - See more at:
Most people believe that men over 50 have long cherished their bachelordom. But these days, a growing number of women also feel that
These days, a growing number of women over 50 feel that staying single has a whole lot of benefits.
staying single has a whole lot of benefits. When I was conducting research for my book, The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating, I was surprised by how often I heard this sentiment. This doesn’t mean these women aren’t dating—on the contrary, their calendars are packed with fun plans and romantic prospects. But if a well-meaning male suitor starts putting out feelers along the lines of, “So do you ever want to get married someday?” they’re more likely than ever to hear a woman say, “I doubt it”—and really mean it. What’s caused such a dramatic shift in 50-plus women’s romantic goals? Read on to find out.

Reason #1: They’ve got plenty of company
Perhaps the first reason women are happier to stay single is because they’re hardly the pariahs they were in the past. Today, a whopping 16 million boomers — more than 25 percent of men and women in this age group — are single. That means unattached women this age are rarely lacking in a little company, whether that’s a night out with some single pals or a hot date on a Saturday night. Internet dating has also helped turn the world into their oyster, presenting them with tons of prospects, many of whom are much younger and very interested in wooing an older woman.

All in all, it’s easier than ever for women this age to get the same emotional perks that their married counterparts do, whether that be affection, intimacy, shared fun or laughter. In fact, some of these singles might argue that their love lives are even more exciting by comparison, since their relationships aren’t weighed down by the draining domestic concerns that marriage entails. “You’d be surprised,” says Carol Ford, a fifty-something widow for ten years and online dater for two years, “how easy it is to find someone who is warm and interesting to be with. I’ve been out with a lot of charming men my age. Then after a romantic evening, I can go back to my little retreat and he goes to his, and there’s no squabbling over ‘Why didn’t you fold my laundry the way I like it?’”

Reason #2: They’d rather downsize domestically
While 7.6 million boomers have never been married, the majority have tied the knot at some point. Many have raised children. If they find themselves single again after the death or a spouse or divorce, marriage is rarely high on their list of priorities because, well, they’ve already been there, done that. In fact, many have spent so much of their lives compromising in the name of family — sacrificing their dreams of starting a business to take care of their kids, passing on that girls-only Caribbean vacation because their husband argued that money was tight — that being single can feel downright liberating! Ford, for one, is reveling in her ability to do what she wants, when she wants. “Today, for example, I bought a $2,500 ‘shabby chic’ entertainment unit with chicken wire on one of the panels,” she says. “My husband would have flipped out. But I didn’t have to explain to anyone why I just had to have this beat-up old cabinet!”

Reason #3: Their families come first
Another factor for women who already have families under their belt is how messy things can become with a new husband in the picture. Conflicts of all kinds can crop up once families blend, even if the kids are already out on their own.
It felt disloyal to hear someone doubt him.
Some women express reluctance to share their family inheritance with someone else and their children. Others worry about the emotional impact a new husband would have on the family dynamic. Rather than rock the boat, they’d rather keep things status quo. One copy editor acquaintance of mine I know from New Jersey has this story to share: “I dated a really nice man, and we had no problems with each other,” she says. “But he would criticize my 22-year-old son, and I was very sensitive to that. You know, if you bring up a child, you have this history; the long-term view. Maybe the kid isn’t doing so well at this point in time, but you remember how hard he worked to win the 400-meter butterfly in a junior varsity swim, say, and you believe he’ll dig down and be a winner again. It felt disloyal to hear someone doubt him. So I picked motherhood over marriage.”

Reason #4: They don’t need a man to make ends meet
Now more than ever, women in this age group are engaged in successful careers with lucrative salaries. The impact of this fact has been twofold: One, they’re less likely to think they need to marry a guy to get by. Two, they’re often so focused on their careers that socializing and romantic pursuits get put on the back burner. Think of bachelorette extraordinaire Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice. She is not atypical of other women with doctorates, who, as a group, are twice as likely as doctoral men never to have married or to be divorced.

Sometimes high achievers feel marriage would be more of an annoying distraction than a welcome diversion. Just ask boomer Jan Harayda, a successful author and former women’s magazine editor. “There have been many points in my career,” she says, “when I’ve really had to concentrate to meet deadlines or the work is going smoothly and I’m having so much fun with it that I just don’t want to stop.” And while many men often view marriage as a support network that will help further their professional goals, women still tend to think in either/or terms: They can have a family or a career, but “having it all,” so to speak, isn’t as easy as the slogan suggests. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but the feeling is real and very prevalent, keeping many women content pouring their energy into a career rather than a forging a long-lasting relationship.

The bottom line is, there are so many mature unmarried folks, male and female, that going solo doesn’t feel like a lonely proposition any more. If you want companionship but not necessarily commitment, love but maybe not wedlock, chances have never been better that you’re in very good company.

Judsen Culbreth is the author of The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating. - See more at:
Most people believe that men over 50 have long cherished their bachelordom. But these days, a growing number of women also feel that
These days, a growing number of women over 50 feel that staying single has a whole lot of benefits.
staying single has a whole lot of benefits. When I was conducting research for my book, The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating, I was surprised by how often I heard this sentiment. This doesn’t mean these women aren’t dating—on the contrary, their calendars are packed with fun plans and romantic prospects. But if a well-meaning male suitor starts putting out feelers along the lines of, “So do you ever want to get married someday?” they’re more likely than ever to hear a woman say, “I doubt it”—and really mean it. What’s caused such a dramatic shift in 50-plus women’s romantic goals? Read on to find out.

Reason #1: They’ve got plenty of company
Perhaps the first reason women are happier to stay single is because they’re hardly the pariahs they were in the past. Today, a whopping 16 million boomers — more than 25 percent of men and women in this age group — are single. That means unattached women this age are rarely lacking in a little company, whether that’s a night out with some single pals or a hot date on a Saturday night. Internet dating has also helped turn the world into their oyster, presenting them with tons of prospects, many of whom are much younger and very interested in wooing an older woman.

All in all, it’s easier than ever for women this age to get the same emotional perks that their married counterparts do, whether that be affection, intimacy, shared fun or laughter. In fact, some of these singles might argue that their love lives are even more exciting by comparison, since their relationships aren’t weighed down by the draining domestic concerns that marriage entails. “You’d be surprised,” says Carol Ford, a fifty-something widow for ten years and online dater for two years, “how easy it is to find someone who is warm and interesting to be with. I’ve been out with a lot of charming men my age. Then after a romantic evening, I can go back to my little retreat and he goes to his, and there’s no squabbling over ‘Why didn’t you fold my laundry the way I like it?’”

Reason #2: They’d rather downsize domestically
While 7.6 million boomers have never been married, the majority have tied the knot at some point. Many have raised children. If they find themselves single again after the death or a spouse or divorce, marriage is rarely high on their list of priorities because, well, they’ve already been there, done that. In fact, many have spent so much of their lives compromising in the name of family — sacrificing their dreams of starting a business to take care of their kids, passing on that girls-only Caribbean vacation because their husband argued that money was tight — that being single can feel downright liberating! Ford, for one, is reveling in her ability to do what she wants, when she wants. “Today, for example, I bought a $2,500 ‘shabby chic’ entertainment unit with chicken wire on one of the panels,” she says. “My husband would have flipped out. But I didn’t have to explain to anyone why I just had to have this beat-up old cabinet!”

Reason #3: Their families come first
Another factor for women who already have families under their belt is how messy things can become with a new husband in the picture. Conflicts of all kinds can crop up once families blend, even if the kids are already out on their own.
It felt disloyal to hear someone doubt him.
Some women express reluctance to share their family inheritance with someone else and their children. Others worry about the emotional impact a new husband would have on the family dynamic. Rather than rock the boat, they’d rather keep things status quo. One copy editor acquaintance of mine I know from New Jersey has this story to share: “I dated a really nice man, and we had no problems with each other,” she says. “But he would criticize my 22-year-old son, and I was very sensitive to that. You know, if you bring up a child, you have this history; the long-term view. Maybe the kid isn’t doing so well at this point in time, but you remember how hard he worked to win the 400-meter butterfly in a junior varsity swim, say, and you believe he’ll dig down and be a winner again. It felt disloyal to hear someone doubt him. So I picked motherhood over marriage.”

Reason #4: They don’t need a man to make ends meet
Now more than ever, women in this age group are engaged in successful careers with lucrative salaries. The impact of this fact has been twofold: One, they’re less likely to think they need to marry a guy to get by. Two, they’re often so focused on their careers that socializing and romantic pursuits get put on the back burner. Think of bachelorette extraordinaire Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice. She is not atypical of other women with doctorates, who, as a group, are twice as likely as doctoral men never to have married or to be divorced.

Sometimes high achievers feel marriage would be more of an annoying distraction than a welcome diversion. Just ask boomer Jan Harayda, a successful author and former women’s magazine editor. “There have been many points in my career,” she says, “when I’ve really had to concentrate to meet deadlines or the work is going smoothly and I’m having so much fun with it that I just don’t want to stop.” And while many men often view marriage as a support network that will help further their professional goals, women still tend to think in either/or terms: They can have a family or a career, but “having it all,” so to speak, isn’t as easy as the slogan suggests. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but the feeling is real and very prevalent, keeping many women content pouring their energy into a career rather than a forging a long-lasting relationship.

The bottom line is, there are so many mature unmarried folks, male and female, that going solo doesn’t feel like a lonely proposition any more. If you want companionship but not necessarily commitment, love but maybe not wedlock, chances have never been better that you’re in very good company.

Judsen Culbreth is the author of The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating. - See more at:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Reasons why Men they don't want Get Married and The Types of Women That Men do Not Want to Marry

     Young men want to get married. They really do. They want a wife, children and the house with the picket fence. They just don't want it right now. Instead, men ages 25 to 33 prefer to have fun, unencumbered by commitment and responsibility.
       That's the word from a new study called "The State of Our Unions" that concludes that young, educated, professional men don't want to commit to marriage, reports Ladies Home Journal. They place great value in the institution of marriage, but the single life beckons. Since today's men--unlike their fathers and grandfathers--don't have pressure from church, employers or society to get married, they aren't.
       The researchers interviewed 290 heterosexual men in Chicago, parts of New Jersey, Washington, D.C. and Parts of Large cities in Asia and Africa (Logos,Pretoria, Nairobi, Hong kong, Seoul, Mumbai, Dar es salaam etc)  .
        For the most part they were employed full-time and earned between $20,000 to $35,000 annually. Most had either attended some college or graduated. None of them were married.

          10 reasons young men don't want to get married now:

1. They can have casual sex without marriage, something that is far more common today and accepted than in generations past.
2. By living with a girlfriend, they can enjoy all the benefits of a wife without having to say, "I do." This is a no-risk way to test the idea of marriage.
3. Men want to avoid the financial risks of divorce. What better way to do that than to not get married in the first place?

4. Since they don't have to worry about their biological clocks, men say they want to wait until they are older to have children. They really do not want to be pressured into marriage by a woman whose primary goal is to have kids.
5. Their greatest fear is that marriage will require too many changes, compromises and responsibilities. After all, it's a lot more fun to play poker with the boys all night long.
6. Men are romantics at heart. They believe in a soul mate, and they're willing to wait for her. What is a soul mate? Men define her as someone who accepts them just the way they are and does not want to change them. These men don't want to settle for second-best.
7. There are very few social pressures to marry. While their dads were pressured by religion, employers or society to settle down and say "I do," men today are free from that.
8. Men are reluctant to marry a woman who already has children, primarily to avoid competition and conflict with the children's biological father.
9. They want to become a homeowner before they become a husband. Being established financially is an important goal many men want to achieve before they marry.
10. Men want to enjoy the single life as long as possible, especially as they become accustomed to having their own space and routines and not being responsible to anyone else.

Types of Women That Men do Not Want to Marry

     I’ve recently read a very funny article written by Samantha Daniels, who is a well-known professional matchmaker and relationship expert, about different types of women that men do not want to marry. I must admit that this subject really got me thinking about all the little yet quite annoying things a woman can do to chase away the man of her dreams. This is why, if you are trying to find the perfect man and get married, you need to know about the things you might be doing wrong and you need to be smart about your dating. So, just read on and find out about those types of women that men do not want to marry.

Miss “Extremely Jealous”

    If we’re talking about types of women that men do not want to marry, we must surely include this very popular type of lady. She is always very distrusting and suspicious and even though she might have been hurt in the past, this is not an excuse for behaving like this in all her relationships. So, that’s why, most of the time, guys will break up with her because after all “no one can go through his life being prosecuted for somebody else's crimes.”

 Miss “Bossy”

     I must admit with shame that sometimes I am this type of woman, but in my defense, I must say that I often do it unconsciously and that I can’t simply help myself. At first, a man might think that this trait is kind of cute, that he likes a woman who is ambitious and knows what she wants, but after a while, he will realize that things are a bit different and he will “feel like he is in grammar school being told what to do by his second grade teacher.” So, if you recognize yourself in my description, try to do something about it and be more approachable.

Miss “Playing Games”

     I know that sometimes, it may seem fun to play all sorts of fun games (well, fun for you), but in the long term this behavior will surely damage your relationship. Maybe at first, a man will be intrigued by a hard-to-get lady, but after a while he will want to be with someone who is a bit nicer and more stable. So, no matter how tempting it may seem, stop playing games with his heart! Act a little bit more responsibly and think about his feelings too!

Miss “I Have Nothing else Going on”

   This is definitely one of the types of women a man will not want to marry. Even though at first he might be flattered by all her attention and kindness, in the long term he will feel suffocated and all that attention will seem overwhelming. Men love a woman who knows what she wants, who makes plans that don’t necessarily involve him, who has a goal in her life and who doesn’t live only for him and for seeing him happy. So ladies, no matter how in love you might be, don’t forget about yourself or about your dreams!

Miss “Daddy Issues”

     Experts said that this type of woman usually dates older and powerful men because deep down, she is actually looking for a father figure and not a partner whom she will want to marry someday. Maybe at first a man will be impressed that a younger woman finds him attractive, but after a while, he will realize that his special lady has a couple of issues that she needs to resolve if she wants to settle down with him

Miss “I Never Eat”

      This is another very frequent mistake most women make nowadays because they want to look good for their men: they never eat. It’s not a healthy behavior and in the long term, it might even have some serious consequences and you could develop an eating disorder. Also, keep in mind that a man loves you for more than the way you look and he will want to share his life with someone who appreciates the little things in life, like the joy of eating a cupcake while watching your favorite movie. You know, it’s not fun to always eat alone.

Miss “I Want to Change You”

     This is another common mistake most women are tempted to do and it is trying to change their partner to suit their needs or wishes. Well, maybe that will work for a while and maybe some guys will even like that and will let themselves be changed because of their own insecurities, but keep in mind, ladies, most men find this type of woman quite unattractive. They wouldn’t want to stay in a relationship with her for too long.

Miss “Loves to Gossip”

     No wonder guys don’t like this woman! This type of lady likes to gossip a lot and she enjoys talking about other people and other people’s problems all day long. As a result, a lot of men will tend to act prudently around her because they never know what she might say about them behind their backs. Maybe at first they will find her entertaining, but once they’ll get to know her better, the only thing they will want to do is leave.

Miss “Keeping up with Everybody else”

     Most guys will tend to avoid this type of woman because she is constantly concerned about keeping up with everybody else. She desperately needs to know that she is at least as good, as beautiful, as smart or even as wealthy as everyone she knows. Her behavior and her dysfunctional beliefs can put a lot of pressure on her partner, who eventually will get fed up that she doesn’t appreciate who she is or what she has and instead she wishes to be somebody else.

Miss "attention Seeker"

    I think we all know a girl who craves attention wherever she goes and just can't stand not having all eyes on her. She'll do just about anything to get people to look at her whether it's by her actions, her appearance or both. It can be fun hanging out with the girl who loves and commands attention, but being with someone who constantly needs to be in the spotlight can get old.

Miss "flirt"

     This type of woman is similar to the attention seeker however, her main goal is to make her partner jealous. You can typically find her flirting with random dudes or showing off her assets. All of her actions are flirtatious in nature and loves any and all attention from men. Men like to be with someone who takes pride in their appearance, but no one wants to feel like they are constantly having to fight off other men because their girl is giving off mixed signals!

Miss "high Maintenance"

     While there are some men who like high maintenance women, many won't dare marry someone who needs to be waited on hand and foot. We all like to be spoiled by our partner, but someone who never cooks, cleans or does much of anything besides demand the very best of everything might have a hard time finding someone who wants to spend their life catering to their partner's needs.

Miss "clingy"

     You know this girl. The girl who has to constantly call, text or be with her man or she's not happy. The girl who needs the world to know how much she loves her guy and can't seem to talk about anything else but him. The girl who has to know what her guy is doing at all times. It's nice to feel wanted and loved, but this type of behavior can be off-putting. It's great to show someone you care, just don't smother them.

Miss "mommy Dearest"

       This one is a little controversial since there are men out there who like to be taken care of, but most men will be turned off by a woman who treats them like a child. When I say treating him like a child, I'm talking about fixing his hair, wiping his nose or cutting up his food and feeding him when you're out in public. Most men would be embarrassed by this behavior and let's face it, he already has a mother, let him be!

Miss "Party Girl"

      Party girls are fun to hang out with. They're wild, free-spirited and always down to have fun. As much as guys like a girl who can party until the wee hours, it's not necessarily one of the qualities they look for in a wife. While it's fun to be with the life of the party when you're single, guys won't be too keen on marrying someone who sleeps all day and parties all night.
     A lot of women try too hard to change in order to please their dream guy, hoping that by doing this, they will get married someday. You should remember though, that usually men want a happy and easy going partner with whom they will share the little pleasures of life. So maybe, sometimes, you shouldn’t try so much and just be yourself ‘cause you’re so fabulous and amazing just the way you are. Do you know any other types of women that men do not want to marry? Do tell!

 --From the Editors at Netscape and Steven Mruma,, Researcher also written in collaboration with editor Lisa Washington.   


Saturday, October 11, 2014


By Steven Mruma.
       Prostitution is generally defined as performing, offering, or agreeing to perform a sexual act for any money, property, token, object, article, or anything of value. 1 Prostitution of children; therefore, is defined as the sexual exploitation of a child for remuneration in cash or in-kind, usually but not always organized by an intermediary such as a procurer, family member, pimp, or madame.

       Hundreds of thousands of children have been lured into prostitution. 2 Though the prostitution of female children is more widely publicized, male children are also susceptible to the same dangers as females in this world of exploitation.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The top 12 rules for picking the right wife to maximize a happy life and minimize the chance of divorce…

When to get married:
The best time for a man to get married is after 30 years of age. At that age he has had a long time to live life, earn money, think of what he wants in a wife, and settle down a little bit. The ages of 20-30 are the wild years but after the 30 year mark men will tend to settle down. Most men under 30 years of age aren’t mature enough to make the best decision about who to spend their life with.
Now remember, 30 years old is the starting age to think of marriage. That doesn’t mean you should get married at 30 or by 30. Anytime between 30-45 is a good time to tie the knot. Between the ages of 30-45 is when a mans marriage value is at its highest.
The top 12 rules for picking the right wife to maximize a happy life
1) She should be young.
The woman should 30 years of age MAXIMUM. 25 is even better and 20 is the best age.
A womans body does not age well. You want the most amount of years with your wife having a tight, young, firm body. After 30 it goes downhill fast. At around the age of 31 a woman’s beauty really declines fast.
It’s a trade off, she gives you her good years and you put up with her in her bad years. Never take a woman already in her bad years.

Women do not age well. “Cougars”, older women that younger men find irresistable, are an invention of the movies. Single women over the age of 30 have wasted all their pretty years have a lot of random sex and now they want to find a sucker who will take care of them without having to give him any of her good years. Don’t be that sucker.
A young body is especially important for bearing children. Old women cannot have and don’t have healthy children. At 30 years of age a woman is already 15 years past her child-bearing prime.
But I like talking to smart women. 20 year olds are stupid.
Her IQ won’t grow much with age. A dumb 20 year old is a dumb 30 year old. The difference is that the 30 year old dumb woman is a lot more bitter and has a whole lot less to offer.
2) She has to come from an intact family with original mother and father.
No step-mommies and step-daddies. Children from single mommy homes cannot be healthy. A mother simply cannot raise healthy children alone or with step-daddies. You want an emotionally healthy wife. Women who grew up with divorce have too much baggage, use sluttery as a way to get attention from daddy, and will not know how to act in a proper family setting.
3) She cannot believe in divorce or even imagine getting a divorce.
If she mentions the word ‘divorce’, what to do in case of divorce, praises a friend who got a divorce, or says divorce is an option then she is not a keeper. Throw her back in the water and go fishing some more.
To make a marriage work, both the man and wife must think of divorce as no option at all.
4) She must have the natural body type you prefer.
Every woman will gain a few pounds when they settle with a man. It’s unavoidable. What is unacceptable is a woman blowing up to whale proportions. If a woman was once very fat, lost the weight on crash diets and ultra-gym sessions, that weight will ALL come back plus more when she gets married.
If she has to constantly diet and go to the gym she is about to blow up like a balloon when the ring is on her finger and the vows are spoken.
You must pick the natural body type you like. That means she must have the same body type her whole life, never yo-yo’ing up or down in weight.
She should have a pretty face. When her body goes the only thing that will be left is her face and you will have to see it every single day.
5) She must be image conscious.
A woman who gets pig-fat after marriage is a disgrace to herself and her family. She must be aware of her image and keep her body trim for you. Women will always gain a few pounds after marriage, but there is a difference between a few pounds and one hundred pounds. Take a look at all the women in her family, if they are all pig-fat it’s a good idea to walk away as fast as you can. You will have to see your wife daily, you don’t want to be thinking about skinning some bacon off  of her back to cook breakfast.
6) She must be family oriented and not career oriented.
This is going to be the mother of your children and the keeper of your house. An Ass-kicker doesn’t need two incomes, he can provide, what he needs is a keeper of home and heart.
Two income households leave the raising of their children to expensive day cares and schools, and then mommy goes to work so they can afford to pay for day care and babysitters.
I don’t want children.
Don’t get married. The only reason to get married is to have a family.
But I want a career woman.
Doesn’t matter, even if she is a career woman when you meet she will not be when she is older. No woman wants to work but it takes some of them a long time to figure that out. They waste all their youth playing/working their career and then realize what a huge mistake they made and leave their jobs to take care of their (quite possibly retarded – that’s what happens when old ladies have babies) child. How many 45 year old married female lawyers or other professionals do you know?
The women who work in middle age do so because they have no choice and they whine about it every day of their life. They would give anything to leave their jobs and take care of their family instead.
No woman truly wants to work. Work is a mans world and always will be. A woman’s work should be in the home taking care of the home and children.
7) She must be a “good” girl.
She cannot be a drinker or a smoker or have any tattoos. She cannot have a party girl past, a sordid past, and she cannot have gone out more than a couple times drinking. You cannot turn a whore into a housewife. The more sexual partners she has had the more likely the marriage will end in divorce.
Are you saying all party girls, smokers and drinkers are sluts?
The fewer sexual partners your wife has had, the better. The ideal wife should be a virgin. Remember: The more sexual partners she has had the more likely you are to be divorced in about 6 years and lose most of your money, possessions, and your children.
If you think she needs help or that you are helping her and she is changing then you are being foolish and you are being played. It’s going to end badly for you when you get hitched to a woman like this.
Always pick a good girl. That means a virgin (or close), family oriented, pleasant, eager to help, a smiler, and patient.
8) She must have no problem signing a pre-nuptial agreement.
A Pre-nup probably won’t save you much money, if any, in the case of divorce but her signing a pre-nup does one very important thing for you: it shows you she is serious about making the marriage work.
9) She should change herself for you.
When a woman is in love she will change herself to please and conform with you. Her new favorite food will become steak and eggs, she will enjoy watching all six Rocky movies with you, and she will do things to please you she has never done or liked before.
I don’t want a woman who flip-flops!
A woman who doesn’t flip-flop is a woman who does not respect you.
Women are not men and should not be held to the standards of men. A man who changes his views on the whims of a woman is a sissy. A woman who changes her views on the whims of a man is a woman who is in love. She should not be degraded for that because that’s what ‘keepers’ do.
10) She must look up to you and respect you.
Women marry up and men marry down, since the dawn of marriage. If she looks down on you she will leave with your money and your children. You’ve got to be a man that she can look up to, admire, love and respect – always.
11) She should not have any children from a previous affair.
In the animal kingdom when a Lion takes over a pride he kills the cubs of other Lions.
Raising someone else’s child is cuckoldry with your full knowledge and consent.
If you raise someone else’s child you will be taking care of another mans seedling and there will always be another man in the picture.
Be selfish and keep your wife and children to yourself. They should be yours and only yours. Don’t settle for another mans leavings and sloppy seconds.
Here is what women with children do: They have unprotected sex with a stud, get knocked up, and look for a sucker to raise the bastard.
She has already been married, had children, and then divorced the father and left.
In each case the woman is unfit for marriage.
12) She should be a smiler.
She should smile when she sees you. Her eyes should light up. She should be excited each time she sees you and reward you with her beautiful smile.
A big, bright shining smile from a pretty girl is worth more than any university degree she has, worth more than any job she has, worth more than any other baloney modern women wrongly believe makes them attractive to men.
You want a happy woman. You don’t want a frowning, nagging, pessimistic bride.
Always pick a smiling, warm, happy-go-lucky woman to share your life with.
Things to remember:
     American women have been indoctrinated since birth to believe in and embrace divorce. They have been indoctrinated and instructed to believe that their feminine instincts are wrong and bad. This causes a great deal of confusion in their minds and, to put it plainly, many of them are unfit for marriage and raising a family. Especially avoid women who use psychiatric drugs and especially avoid women who go to therapy. Therapy only makes women more insane and teaches them to blame men more for their problems.
   Remember, it is best to marry a woman of your culture and race. If that option is unappealing for the reasons described above there is a whole, big, wide world for you to choose from.
    Growing old alone and with no children to carry on your name seems a worse prospect than following this checklist and picking the best wife you can.
Civilization exists because of the nuclear family. Certainly marriage has been tainted in the last 50 years, to the detriment of all, but if you make smart decisions you can cut down your risk tremendously.
If you are going to get married, do it the smart way.
If you aren’t going to get married go ahead and have a beer.